Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam- It's all smoke and mirrors!
As the very characteristic of Jose Pellissery to pull the wool over audience eyes, all seems to be in a dilemma to interpret the movie in their own terms.To some, it's figment of one's imagination, some say it's reincarnation of a soul in to a living body, yet another thought, its the dramma company's yet another drama staged.A nap can be a nightmare...! In the movie as the title suggests, everything revolve around the 'afternoon nap'(Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam). Thirukkural qoute "death is sinking in to slumbers deep. Birth again is waking out of sleep" aptly used to substantiate the essence of the movie and to cement the thought in to audience mind. The actors and camera did justice to the cause... The versatile actor was given ample space to stretch his acting skills and was very much in his element... For an average audience, the movie seems to be set on a week thread and at times so dragging as you find counting the...